Indian Navy Recruitment 2016 – 486 Draughtsman Posts: Indian Navy has issued a notification for
the recruitment of 486 Draughtsman vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply in prescribed application format within 28 days from the date of advertisement & 35 days for remote areas. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below….
Name of the Post:
1. Draughtsman Grade II (Mechanical) (now Senior Draughtsman): 192 Posts
2. Draughtsman Grade II (Construction) (now Senior Draughtsman): 133 Posts
3. Draughtsman Grade II (Electrical) (now Senior Draughtsman): 161 Posts
Total No. of Posts: 486
Age Limit: Candidates age limit should be between 18 – 27 years as on last date for receipt of application. Age relaxation is applicable to 05 years for SC/ ST, 03 years for OBC candidates & Other relaxation details refer the notification.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should have Matriculation pass or its equivalent from recognized institution or Board and Diploma or Certificates in Draughtsmanship from an Industrial Training Institute or equivalent recognized Institution.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application on plain paper in prescribed format with latest passport size colour photograph attested to the application (02 additional passport size photographs for admit card self attested on the reverse side and full name written), self attested copies of 10th class mark sheets and relevant/ higher education qualification, date of birth certificates, caste certificate, OBC certificates, PWD certificate and self addressed envelope of size 23×13 with postage stamp of Rs. 60/- affixed on it in na envelope should be superscribed with “Application for the Post of Draughtsman Grade II (now Senior Draughtsman) (Mechanical/ Construction/ Electrical) ————— and Category “———————–” (i.e SC/ ST/ OBC/ UR/ PWDS) by registered post/ Speed post to the Flag Officer Commanding in Chief, (for Civilin Recruitment Cell), Head Qarters, Southern Naval Command, Kochi – 682 004 within 28 days from the date of advertisement and 35 days for remote areas.
Important Dates:
Date of Advertisement: 30-07-2016 to 05-08-2016.
Last Date for Receipt of Application: Within 28 days from the date of Advertisement.
Last Date for Receipt of Application for Remote Areas: Within 35 days from the date of Advertisement.
To know more or view detailed advertisement click here
उपरोक्त पोस्ट को हिंदी में देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे
सरकारी नौकरियों के बारे में ताजा जानकारी देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें ।
उपरोक्त पोस्ट से सम्बंधित सामान्य ज्ञान की जानकारी देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें ।
उपचार सम्बंधित घरेलु नुस्खे जानने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें ।
देश दुनिया, समाज, रहन - सहन से सम्बंधित रोचक जानकारियाँ देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें ।
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