(Department of Disability Affairs,
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India)
(1) Name of the Post: Adjunct Professor -One (Unreserved)-For Department of Special Education & Disabilities Study - Initially for One year at NIVH, Dehradun
Consolidated Honorarium: Rs.20,000/- only with no other allowances.
Essential Qualifications: -
i)An eminent scholar with Ph.D qualification(s) in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline and published work of high quality actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with a minimum of 10 publications as books and/or research/policy papers.
ii)A minimum of ten years of teaching experience in University/ College and or experience in Research at the University/National level institutions/Inudstries including experience of guiding candidates for research at doctrol level..
iii)Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and technology-mediated teaching learning process.
An outstanding professional with established reputation in the relevant field, who has made significant contributions to the knowledge in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline, to be substantiated by credentials.
(2) Name of the Post : Civil Engineer (Unreserved)-(One ) (subject to outcome of court case)
Mode of Recruitment : Direct Recruitment/Deputation basis
Appointment will be subject to out come of the Court Case
Age Limit : 35 Years.
Scale of pay : Rs. 15,600-39,100 + Grade Pay 5400
Qualifications Required for Direct Recruitment :
Essential :
a) B..E. in Civil Engineering.
b) Minimum 3 years experience in the field of Civil Engineering in Govt./Semi Govt./Autonomous/Pvt. Organisation.
Desirable :
1 M.E. in Civil Engineering/MBA Degree.
2 Experience of Estate Management.
3 Knowledge of contract management, measurement and calculations.
Qualifications Required for Deputation :
In addition to above essential qualifications/experience, the candidates should be holding analogous posts or Jr. Engineers in the scale of Rs. . 9300-34800 GP 4600 with eight yrs experience.
(3) Name of the Post : Administrative Officer –One – (Unreserved)
For Composite Regional Centre for persons with Disabilities, Sundernagar, Mandi (HP)
Age Limit : 40 Years
Scale of Pay : Pay Band Rs. 15,600-39,100 + Grade Pay 5400
Essential Qualifications :-
1. Post Graduate in Social Science/MBA from recognized University.
2. Five years experience in establishment /administrative matters.
Scale of Pay : Pay Band Rs. 15,600-39,100 + Grade Pay 5400
Essential Qualifications :-
1. Post Graduate in Social Science/MBA from recognized University.
2. Five years experience in establishment /administrative matters.
(4) Name of Post: Mobility Instructor – One- (Reserved for SC)
Age Limit: 40 Years
Pay : Pay Band – 9300-34800 Grade Pay - 4200
Essential Qualifications:
1. Degree from recognized university.
2. Certificate/Diploma of training in O & M Instructors of the Visually
Handicapped at a Course recognized by the Govt of India.
3. At least 3 years experience of imparting training in O & M.
Pay : Pay Band – 9300-34800 Grade Pay - 4200
Essential Qualifications:
1. Degree from recognized university.
2. Certificate/Diploma of training in O & M Instructors of the Visually
Handicapped at a Course recognized by the Govt of India.
3. At least 3 years experience of imparting training in O & M.
(5) Name of the Post: Lecturer –Four - One reserved for OBC & three Unreserved in project mode
Age Limit : 40 Years.
Consolidated Honorarium: Rs.25,000/- only with no other allowances.
Essential Qualifications: -
1. M.A./M. Sc. With B. Ed. (Special Education) from a recognized University or Equivalent; or
2. M.A./M. Sc. With B. Ed. from a recognized University or Equivalent; and Diploma in Special Education in Teaching Visually Impaired Children (Recognized by RCI).
3. Minimum Two years experience of teaching the visually impaired.
4. Proficiency in Bharti and Standard English Braille (Grade II) and in use of special equipment and assistive devices required for the education of the visually impaired.
1. Knowledge of computer application.
2. Experience of Teaching Visually Impaired Children with Additional Disabilities/Low Vision Children.
Consolidated Honorarium: Rs.25,000/- only with no other allowances.
Essential Qualifications: -
1. M.A./M. Sc. With B. Ed. (Special Education) from a recognized University or Equivalent; or
2. M.A./M. Sc. With B. Ed. from a recognized University or Equivalent; and Diploma in Special Education in Teaching Visually Impaired Children (Recognized by RCI).
3. Minimum Two years experience of teaching the visually impaired.
4. Proficiency in Bharti and Standard English Braille (Grade II) and in use of special equipment and assistive devices required for the education of the visually impaired.
1. Knowledge of computer application.
2. Experience of Teaching Visually Impaired Children with Additional Disabilities/Low Vision Children.
(6) Name of the Post: Information Technology and Assistive Technology Educator (Unreserved) – One for NIVH Dehradun & one for NIVH Regional Centre, Chennai in project mode
Mode of recruitment: Direct recruitment.
Age Limit: 35 Years.
Consolidated Honorarium: Rs.25,000/- only with no other allowances.
Essential Qualifications: -
1. Bachelor Degree in Arts/Commerce/Science/Law Management from recognized University with at least 50% marks in aggregate.
2. Two Years experience of work in the field of Computer Application for the Blind.
3. Knowledge of working with JAWS Hardware and Software Maintenance.
Proficiency in Braille reading, writing and in use of Braille writing devices.
(7) Name of Post: Computer Instructor - One Post - (unreserved)
Pay: Pay Band – 9300-34800 Grade Pay : 4200
Age Limit: 35 Years
i) Bachelor Degree in any discipline from a recognized University with minimum one year Diploma in Computer applications and programming Skills including knowledge of popular screen reading softwares and hardwares for Braille printing.
ii) One year experience as Computer Instructor/Teacher of Visually Handicapped.
Desirable :
i) Knowledge of Standard English Braille and Bharati Braille Hindi.
Age Limit: 35 Years
i) Bachelor Degree in any discipline from a recognized University with minimum one year Diploma in Computer applications and programming Skills including knowledge of popular screen reading softwares and hardwares for Braille printing.
ii) One year experience as Computer Instructor/Teacher of Visually Handicapped.
Desirable :
i) Knowledge of Standard English Braille and Bharati Braille Hindi.
(8) Name of Post: Braille Shorthand Instructor (Hindi) (Reserved for SC & Visual Impairment) - One
Age Limit: 30 Years
Pay : Pay Band – 9300-34800 Grade Pay - 4200
Essential Qualifications:
1. A Good Bachelor’s Degree.
(relaxable in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.)
2. Thorough knowledge of Bharati Braille.
3. Hindi Braille Shorthand speed 80 w.p.m.
Desirable :
1. Two years teaching experience of Hindi Braille Shorthand in a reputable Institution.
Pay : Pay Band – 9300-34800 Grade Pay - 4200
Essential Qualifications:
1. A Good Bachelor’s Degree.
(relaxable in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.)
2. Thorough knowledge of Bharati Braille.
3. Hindi Braille Shorthand speed 80 w.p.m.
Desirable :
1. Two years teaching experience of Hindi Braille Shorthand in a reputable Institution.
(9) Name of Post : i)- Trained Graduate Teacher (English) –01 Post (Reserved for ST)
Age Limit : 35 Years
Scale of pay : Pay Band – 9300-34800 Grade Pay : 4200
Essential Qualifications:
a) Second Class Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50% marks in concerned subject and in aggregate including elective and language in the combination of subject as under: -
i) For TGT (English) – English as an elective subject at Degree level.
b) Four years integrated course in special Education for Visual Impairment from a recognized University or equivalent with 50% marks in the concerned subject
Diploma in Teaching the Visually Impaired (Secondary Level) or B. Ed. Special Education (Visual Impairment).
c) Proficiency in Bharati and Standard English Braille Grade II
i) Knowledge of Computer Application.
ii) Two years teaching experience in teaching the visually impaired.
Scale of pay : Pay Band – 9300-34800 Grade Pay : 4200
Essential Qualifications:
a) Second Class Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50% marks in concerned subject and in aggregate including elective and language in the combination of subject as under: -
i) For TGT (English) – English as an elective subject at Degree level.
b) Four years integrated course in special Education for Visual Impairment from a recognized University or equivalent with 50% marks in the concerned subject
Diploma in Teaching the Visually Impaired (Secondary Level) or B. Ed. Special Education (Visual Impairment).
c) Proficiency in Bharati and Standard English Braille Grade II
i) Knowledge of Computer Application.
ii) Two years teaching experience in teaching the visually impaired.
(10) Inspector Braille Appliances – One (Reserved for Visually Handicapped & OBC)
Age Limit: 30 Years
Pay : Pay Band – 5200-20200 Grade Pay - 2400
Essential Qualifications:
1. Matriculation or equivalent.
2. Trade Certificate in light Engineering with 3 yrs experience in inspection/production of various components of Braille appliances.
3. Should be well conversant with the use of go and no-go gauge, ring gauge and other instruments.
4. Should be well versed in the use of all Braille appliances.
5. Should have good knowledge of Braille.
Pay : Pay Band – 5200-20200 Grade Pay - 2400
Essential Qualifications:
1. Matriculation or equivalent.
2. Trade Certificate in light Engineering with 3 yrs experience in inspection/production of various components of Braille appliances.
3. Should be well conversant with the use of go and no-go gauge, ring gauge and other instruments.
4. Should be well versed in the use of all Braille appliances.
5. Should have good knowledge of Braille.
(11) Handicraft Instructor (Misc.)– One-(Reserved for ST & Visually Impaired)
Age Limit: 30 Years
Pay : Pay Band – 5200-20200 Grade Pay - 2800
Essential Qualifications:
1. High School or equivalent.
2. Diploma or certificate in candle making, Nylon and Plastic work and Soap Making.
(12) Name of the Post: Instructor-Medical Massage, Acupuncture and Moxa Cautery (Initially for two years)
No. of Post: 01 (Unreserved)
Scale of Pay: 9300-34800 GP-4200
Age limit: 40 years
Mode of recruitment: Direct recruitment
Essential Qualifications: -
1. Class XII with 50% marks from a recognized Board.
2. Diploma in Physiotherapy of at least two years duration.
Diploma in Nursing and Certificate course in Therapeutic Massage from any reputed Institute.
3. Experience in the related field for a period of at least one year in a hospital or traditional massage therapy centre.
1. Graduate degree from a recognized University.
2. Knowledge of Computer.
3. Degree in physiotherapy.
4. Preference will be given to the candidates possessing teaching experience in physiotherapy to the visually impaired persons.
Scale of Pay: 9300-34800 GP-4200
Age limit: 40 years
Mode of recruitment: Direct recruitment
Essential Qualifications: -
1. Class XII with 50% marks from a recognized Board.
2. Diploma in Physiotherapy of at least two years duration.
Diploma in Nursing and Certificate course in Therapeutic Massage from any reputed Institute.
3. Experience in the related field for a period of at least one year in a hospital or traditional massage therapy centre.
1. Graduate degree from a recognized University.
2. Knowledge of Computer.
3. Degree in physiotherapy.
4. Preference will be given to the candidates possessing teaching experience in physiotherapy to the visually impaired persons.
1. Neat and clean application should be submitted giving full particulars as asked in the advertisement.
2. Demand Draft of Rs. 200/- (non refundable) drawn in favour of the Director, NIVH, payable at Dehradun must accompany with the application without which the application will not be considered. The SC/ST and Ex-Serviceman candidates are required to submit DD of Rs. 100/- only. Physically Handicapped candidates are exempted from above fee.
3. Age Limit relaxable as per Govt. of India’s rules for SC/ST/OBC/Physically Handicapped and Ex-serviceman.
4. Applications must invariably be accompanied with attested copies of certificates, degrees, mark sheets, testimonials in support of qualifications, age and experience failing which application will be rejected straitway. No quirry will be entertained after receipt of application.
5. Eligible candidates serving Central/State Government, Public Sector undertaking, Autonomous bodies must send their applications through proper channel.
6. The crucial date for determining the age limit will be the closing date of receipt of applications.
7. The Director, NIVH Dehradun reserves the right to fill/not to fill the post(s) without assigning any reason thereof.
Director, NIVH, Dehradun
How To Apply : Applications should reach the Director of the Institute at the above address latest by 04-11-2013 giving full particulars including (1)Name of Post applied for, (2) Name of the candidate,(3) Father’s Name, (4) Address, (5) Date of Birth, (6) Qualifications, (7) Experience, (8) Telephone/Mob.No.,(9) whether SC/ST/OBC/Physically Handicapped/Ex-Serviceman and (10) Details of Demand Draft if enclosed (11) any other relevant information